
Friday, February 26, 2010

zefa 1 almancil...feb canvases

the weather has been holding me up on my saramago mural...rain rain rain! bota filipe of zefa contemporary art centre has offered me some huge canvases almost 3 metres squarish its like working on a football pitch after the small scale of my own reign on starting point......having recently returned from india...i intend to base the new work on the ramayana an ancient sanskrit epic some 50000 lines long...which tells the story of rama and sita....of how her father offers his daughters hand in marriage to the man that can pull the great bow....its akin to excalibar........rama succeeds with ease...rama and krishna are synonyms for vishnu.....he is an avatar.....the first canvas is a terrestial hold is a backcloth for adventures...are they in the forest now...what or who is lurking....good and evil ....who intention is to produce series of canvases that exist as complete in themselves... stories in their own right but can also relate together to tell a bigger story.......i have an oldish copy of the ramayana from india that i am reading now....its always interests me how chance? plays its part....2 years ago i went to the british library in london for the first time for 40 years...and what was the exhibition on show....illustrations for the ramayana....chance eh! here is a photo of the first painting in will see that it is in portrait bota said that we had a problem the wall that is earmarked for the paintings slopes downwards....the other canvases will have to be pleased i found out today and not next week.........

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