
Monday, January 18, 2010

a day in kanchi....november 18.......more surprises

up and about in a leisurely fashion.....bags etc and off to the small temple opposite were we were staying ..the same place that i had watched the wedding the day before....there was a puja for a family going to was prepared for the jourrney for the spirit and the body.......rice..coconuts......and various mixtures.....which were blessed in the temple.....the whole family were going on the trip......i spoke wth their grandfather....he was dressed totally in white.... who explained what was going on....he said he wasnt sure why kerula....god is everywhere.....we both agreed...we talked about the ceremony and the journey we were made most welcome at the event......he was 72........the ceremony culminated in a coconut being thrown onto the doorway of the temple.....splintering into a thousand shards accompanied by chants from the priest ....meanwhile more sustanence was being prepared for the filled coconuts sealed with wax....we are very lucky to be present......the only strangers far on our trip we havent seen another white face...we are not on the tourist trail....incense filled the air of this tiny temple that was situated just off the main thoroughfare....whilst we were there the rest of the world did not exist we were enveloped in a hindu mystical world...not fully understanding but comprehending the spiritual journey that lay ahead of the a small way we were part of their pilgrimage.....we were also on a journey of discovery both inward and outward...the family then went off in a suzuki 4 wheel drive....unexpected....we thought they might be walking ...well it is 2009........lunch and a rickshaw to the station....

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