
Wednesday, October 31, 2012

a possible book.......random images and text...october 2012

book equals..........


A written or printed work consisting of pages glued or sewn together along one side and bound in covers.

book n. Abbr. b., B., bk.1. A volume made up of written or printed pages fastened along one side and encased between protective covers.2. Any written or printed literary work. 3. A bound volume of blank or ruled pages. 4. Plural. Volumes that are mysterious, filled with wisdom and wonders just waiting to be read.

"In a book the artist controls the combinations and ordering of different bits of information."

David J. Henry

what is A booK? 


definition ConTinUES 2 bLuR.........

i have been playing around

 with ideas that 

started with my Random viSual PoEms series........

i am now experimenting with ideas in my sketchbook and in the the moment the images are on the page which is hinged....they are sequential......i have cut windows in some pages to reveal a part of another page....i am now thinking about a more interactive set of images ....on paper but not hinged....the reader can put them in any order......they might tell a different is my sketchbook far.....

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